About Us
Revised On: Jan. 10nd, 2025 - 06:33 pm
The Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (AZOGCC) is statutorily responsible for regulating the drilling for and production of oil, gas, helium, carbon dioxide, and geothermal resources. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) provides administrative and staff support.
Our Responsibilities Include:
- Conduct regular commission meetings and special hearings
- Review applications for permits to drill, and approve if properly completed
- Inspect wells for compliance, both during drilling and after completion
- Monitor oil, gas, geothermal, and helium drilling activities
- Provide information to the exploration and development communities and the public
Our Members
AZOGCC is comprised of six members, five appointed by the Governor, and one ex-officio member, the State Land Commissioner. Current members are:
Our History
- 1927 — The State Legislature passed the first act. The act provided for the conservation of oil and gas and regulation of oil and gas wells, to be administered by the State Land Commissioner.
- 1951 — The Oil and Gas Conservation Act was passed at the legislature's session following the discovery and production of oil or gas in the State, creating the AZOGCC.
- 1959 — AZOGCC became a stand-alone state agency with the powers and duties being transferred from the State Land Commissioner.
- 1972 — AZOGCC was given jurisdiction over geothermal resources.
- 1991 — AZOGCC was attached administratively to the Arizona Geological Survey in Tucson.
- 2018 — AZOGCC was attached administratively to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ).